Thursday, June 4, 2015

Mayan Sclupture, Poet Bob, and Whispering Willow Healing Arts

Belize is steeped in various cultures. One of the oldest is Mayan. I had the good fortune to meet a Shamanic Practitioner at the end of April. She was here to learn more about Mayan healing arts. As a token of our friendship, I commissioned  the local poet and artist, Bob, to carve a Mayan head out of pumice stone.

Here are pictures of the Mayan Head and Poet Bob. Bob calls it, "Hear No Evil." If anyone is interested in a carving let me know and I'll put you in touch with Poet Bob. He also sells cards of his poetry, does local poetry readings and is in the process of putting together an eBook of his poetry.

In case anyone is in need of a Healer and lives in the Boulder or Seattle areas, here is the webpage of Heather of Whispering Willow Healing Arts.  I certainly don't mind making referrals to her. She has a contact page on her site, or I can contact her for you.
Heather Boreske


  1. Thank you so very much Bill! You are way too kind ! I am a shamanic practitioner though, not a shaman :) Huge difference and I want to honor the medicine! Much love to you!

    1. What is the difference between the two? Any phone consults for auto immune issues?

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  2. Properly noted Heather...I'll correct the post. Whomever wins your heart (Bob?) is in for a wonderful life! Much love to you as well! :)
